10k Guarantee



This website is designed to give you the freedom to collaborate with multiple agents until you find the perfect match. Until you're confident in your choice, we suggest signing only "Buyer Broker Agreement to Show" forms. When you're ready to commit, you and your selected agent can complete a Buyer Broker Exclusive Employment Agreement (BBEEA).

With our $10K Guarantee, you can switch agents anytime, provided your new agent is listed on this website and you include the recommended language in the BBEEA, as outlined on the Buyer Broker Agreement page.

If you choose to work with agents outside of this website, your ability to engage multiple agents will depend on the agreements you sign. To avoid potential issues with double commissions, it's essential to thoroughly review and understand the terms of each contract.

To maintain eligibility for the $10K Guarantee, be sure to choose and close with agent from this website.

Refund Definition: A refund is the return of money to a buyer when a product or service is unsatisfactory, defective, or canceled.

Rebate Definition: A rebate is a partial return of money to a buyer as an incentive or reward for making a purchase.

For the sake of $10KGuarantee.com it is a Promotional Guarantee. 

Key Points About Commission Refunds in Arizona:

  1. Broker Approval Required:

    • Only the broker can authorize commission refunds or rebates, as agents work under their broker's license.
    • The refund must come from the broker’s commission, not directly from the agent.
  2. Full Disclosure:

    • The rebate must be disclosed in writing to all parties involved in the transaction, including the buyer, seller, and any lenders.
    • Some lenders may have restrictions on rebates, especially if they affect the buyer’s closing costs.
  3. No Misrepresentation:

    • The rebate cannot be misrepresented as part of the sale price or used to manipulate financing.
    • It must be a transparent transaction and clearly outlined in the settlement statement (HUD-1 or Closing Disclosure).
  4. Legal and Ethical Compliance:

    • The refund must comply with RESPA (Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act) regulations, meaning no kickbacks or referral fees are involved unless properly disclosed.
    • Ensure the refund does not violate Arizona Department of Real Estate rules or MLS regulations.

The agent who completes your home purchase and collects the commission is the one associated with your transaction. Please refer to the front page for additional conditions.

From the front page Conditions for Refund or Rebate.

  1. Maximum Refund/Rebate: The amount refunded or rebated will not exceed 50% of the commission paid to the buyer’s agent.

Yes. There are two different forms you can work with. Refer to Buyer Broker Agreements.

  • Yes, you can, but understand that the listing agent may require you to sign a buyer-broker agreement outlining the commission for buyer-agent services. By doing so, the listing agent would represent you (the buyer) and the seller, creating a dual agency. This arrangement can lead to potential conflicts of interest, as the agent must balance the interests of both parties. For better representation and to ensure your best interests are prioritized, we recommend hiring an agent who will work exclusively for you.
  • Alternatively, you can ask the listing agent to show you the property while clearly stating that you will find an agent to represent you in the purchase. Keep in mind that the listing agent may or may not agree to show you the property.

Select one of the agents listed in Step 3. They will reach out to sellers on your behalf to determine the commissions being offered by the seller.

If you want to find out on your own:

    • Look for the seller's agent information, typically listed as “Listed by…” on most real estate websites.
    • Contact the Listing Agent Directly:
    • Call the listing agent and ask if a buyer agent commission is being offered and the amount. You don’t need to be a Realtor or agent to inquire about commissions or property details.
  • Go to Step 3, Pay-Per-View Homes. Enter the property's City to find an agent. Then, contact one of the agents directly until you find one who is available. Agents on this website agree to show properties for the agreed-upon $100 per showing. 
  • Alternatively, have an agent you prefer and have already contacted that you can call on a moment's notice to show properties.